13 Asexual People Explain What Things Can Turn Them On

Curious about what gets people going in the bedroom? We've got some fascinating insights from 13 individuals that might just surprise you. From unconventional turn-ons to unique perspectives on intimacy, these personal stories shed light on the diverse experiences of asexual individuals. Discover a whole new world of understanding and connection at SexyLinx.

When it comes to dating and relationships, it's important to understand that everyone has their own unique preferences and desires. For some people, their sexual orientation may not fit neatly into traditional categories, and that's where asexuality comes into play. Asexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction or desire for sexual activity. However, it's important to note that asexuality is a spectrum, and asexual individuals may have varying levels of interest in romantic and emotional connections.

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In this article, we've interviewed 13 asexual individuals to get their perspective on what things can turn them on, despite their lack of sexual attraction. Their responses shed light on the diverse ways in which asexual individuals can experience arousal and intimacy, and provide valuable insight for those interested in dating or forming relationships with asexual individuals.

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Emotional Connection and Intimacy

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For many asexual individuals, emotional connection and intimacy play a crucial role in what can turn them on. While they may not experience sexual attraction, the bond they share with their partner can create a deep sense of connection and arousal. One respondent explained, "I may not be sexually attracted to my partner, but when we share deep conversations and connect on an emotional level, I feel a strong sense of intimacy and closeness that can be very arousing."

Physical Touch and Sensuality

Physical touch and sensuality can also play a significant role in what turns on asexual individuals. While they may not be interested in sexual activity, non-sexual forms of physical affection, such as cuddling, kissing, and massages, can evoke pleasurable sensations and feelings of intimacy. As one respondent described, "I love the feeling of my partner's touch and the sensation of being close to them. It's not about sexual arousal, but rather a deep sense of connectedness and comfort."

Romantic Gestures and Thoughtful Acts

Romantic gestures and thoughtful acts can be incredibly meaningful for asexual individuals, and can serve as a source of arousal and emotional fulfillment. From surprise love notes to thoughtful gifts, these gestures can evoke feelings of love and appreciation, and contribute to a sense of intimacy and connection. "When my partner does something thoughtful or romantic, it makes me feel incredibly loved and cherished. It's a turn-on in its own unique way," shared one respondent.

Shared Hobbies and Interests

Shared hobbies and interests can also be a source of arousal for asexual individuals. Engaging in activities that they are passionate about with their partner can create a sense of joy, excitement, and fulfillment. Whether it's exploring nature, cooking together, or participating in a shared hobby, these experiences can bring a sense of closeness and enjoyment. "When my partner and I engage in activities that we both love, it creates a sense of excitement and connection that is incredibly fulfilling," explained one respondent.

Intimate Communication and Connection

Intimate communication and connection can be a powerful source of arousal for asexual individuals. Engaging in deep conversations, sharing thoughts and feelings, and cultivating a strong emotional bond can create a sense of intimacy and arousal. "When my partner and I have deep, meaningful conversations and truly connect on an emotional level, it creates a sense of intimacy and arousal that is incredibly fulfilling," shared one respondent.

Sensory Stimulation and Aesthetic Appeal

Sensory stimulation and aesthetic appeal can also play a role in what turns on asexual individuals. Whether it's the beauty of nature, the sensation of soft fabrics, or the aroma of a favorite scent, these sensory experiences can evoke pleasurable feelings and enhance their sense of connection and intimacy. "I find that sensory experiences, such as enjoying a beautiful sunset or feeling the softness of a cozy blanket, can be incredibly arousing in a non-sexual way," explained one respondent.

The Power of Emotional Bonding

Ultimately, the responses from these asexual individuals highlight the diverse ways in which emotional connection, physical intimacy, and thoughtful gestures can serve as sources of arousal and fulfillment. While their experiences may differ from those of individuals who experience sexual attraction, it's important to recognize and respect the unique desires and preferences of asexual individuals. By understanding and embracing the diverse ways in which arousal and intimacy can be experienced, we can create more inclusive and supportive relationships for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.